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Corporate > Directors

Recent History

Lucy Yan Chairman and CEO (director since April 2013)

Ms. Yan has over 20 years of experience in the finance, investment, construction and mining fields. She was an accountant for a large Chinese corporation that was involved in numerous national scale projects within China where she was directly responsible for the corporation’s financial affairs, human resources and administrative work, as well as coordination of internal and external resources to facilitate the company’s operations. Ms. Yan has extensive expertise in the fields of corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, building of management teams and corporate governance.

Not Independent
Committes: Corporate Governance and Nominating and Disclosure Policy

Joe Tai Director (director since April 2013)

Mr. Tai has over 20 years of experience in investment, finance, and the capital markets of Canada, the US, and Greater China. He has extensive expertise in facilitating cross-border transactions and strategic partnerships, building cross-cultural business relationships with Asian industrial groups and financial institutions. Joe serves as director for numerous North American publicly listed companies including several listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange.

Committees: Audit , Compensation, Corporate Governance and Nominating and Discolosure Policy, Safety, Health, Sustainable Development and Technical